Önéletraj Karl Shapiro
Karl Jay Shapiro (10 November 1913, Baltimore, Maryland – 14 May 2000, New York City) was an American poet. He was appointed the fifth Poet Laureate Consultant in Poetry to the Library of Congress in 1946.
* Adult Bookstore (1976)
* Auto Wreck (1942)
* Collected Poems, 1940-1977 (1978)
* Essay on Rime (1945)
* New and Selected Poems, 1940-1987 (1988)
* Person, Place, and Thing (1942)
* The Fly (1942)
* Place of Love (1943)
* Poems (1935)
* Poems 1940-1953 (1953)
* Poems of a Jew (1950)
* Poet: Volume I: The Younger Son (1988)
* Selected Poems (Random House, 1968)
* Selected Poems (Library of America, 2003), edited by John Updike.
* The Bourgeois Poet (1964)
* The Old Horsefly (1993)
* The Place of Love (1943)
* Trial of a Poet (1947)
* V-Letter and Other Poems (1945)
* White Haired Lover (1968)
* The Wild Card: Selected Poems, Early and Late (1998)
* Coda: Last Poems (2008)
* Reports of My Death (1990)
* Poet: An Autobiography in Three Parts (Chapel Hill: Algonquin Books, 1988-1990)
* The Poetry Wreck (1975)
* To Abolish children and Other Essays (1968)
* A Primer for Poets (1965)
* In Defense of Ignorance (1960)
* Randall Jarrell (1967)
* Start With the Sun: Studies in the Whitman Tradition, with James E. Miller, Jr., and Bernice Slote (1963).
* Prose Keys to Modern Poetry (1962).
* Edsel Dope (1971)